
How do I get rid of a spider infestation? (10 pts)

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Normally I wouldn't worry about spiders... yes, they scare the living c**p out of me, but they eat other bugs and, here in Wisconsin, are generally not harmful.

I'm not very knowledgeable as far as spider species goes. But my boyfriend has noticed a large infestation of Brown Recluse (fiddleback) spiders. At his urging, I've done a little bit of web research and am now thoroughly freaked. And yes, looking at the pictures, I know that this is they type of spider that is infesting my garage.

Because this is such a dangerous spider and because I would like to be able to get into my car without feeling all creepy crawly, i would like to know how to get rid of them. I need more than glue traps and a can of raid. The infestation is BAD BAD BAD! I'm absolutely shocked that I haven't gotten bitten yet. (Thank god I don't have an attached garage!)

I don't have money for an exterminator either. So, any suggestions? How do I get rid of this problem?




  1. There is a product called Demon just for spiders.  I've never used it but one of my best friend swears by it.  Probably a hardware or home improvement store.

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