
How do I get rid of a stench in the carpet from water??

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We are temporarily renting a house (1-2 years) and the toilet recently overflowed; not to be gross, but it was not b/c of refuse, so that is not part of the problem. The issue now is that there is carpet in the bathroom (the house is otherwise gorgeous, but who thought of that brilliant idea?). I tried to soak up as much of the water as possible, but now - 2 days later - the carpet has a terrible stench!! I don't want to use anything too harsh b/c I'm pregnant, but any ideas?? I heard of coffee grounds, vinegar, and baking soda. Any other ideas would be very appreciated!!




  1. The carpet stinks because of microbial growth (bacteria, viruses, fungi) probably in the carpet as well as the pad.  With sub-surface extraction, air movers and dehumidification it usually takes 72 hours to dry carpet, pad, subfloor and drywall - walls often wick up water and are wet without knowing it.

    Toilet overflows are considered a category 2 or category 3 water loss commonly known as gray and black water.

    If the toilet overflowed and their was no or little urine and no f***s it would be defined as category 2 or gray water.

    If their is f***s or it is from beyond the toilet trap it is considered category 3 or black water.

    With category 2 industry standard would be to extract, replace pad apply a disinfectant, dry, and clean areas. However, category 2 water losses degrade to category 3 in 48 hours. So in your case it would be category 3.

    With category 3 industry standard would be to replace all porous materials (walls, baseboards, carpet, pad) which came into contact with the water. This is because those items cannot be sufficiently cleaned and disinfected.

    Category 3 water losses are considered grossly unsanitary because they contain a significant level or bacteria, viruses and fungi that are likely to cause health problems to building occupants.

    If you are concerned about your health have a professional replace all wet materials immediately and have the subfloor disinfected.

    I would recommend using an IICRC Certifed Firm for professional water damage restoration

  2. Hello,

    I have had almost the same thing happen to me, but with a window unit a/c that was dripping water into our house.  First completly fix the problem of the water source.  Next, let the carpet completly dry.  Then use a good carpet extractor (I use Bissell brand that heats the water 25 degrees hotter) to extract the stain.  I would perfer to use the pet oder shampoo for maximum performance.  If the smell lingers afterwords, use the carpet extractor again.  If all attempts fail, you may have to replace the carpet.

  3. You need to get a dehumidifier going at once ( There are two kinds, the electric one, or baggies that hang and soak up moisture) along with fans. You can either rent a carpet cleaner, or call a professional in, I would recommend the professional. They can soak up the excess water, and save your carpet. I didnt see you were renting until now. Most times, if there is water damage from an AC unit or toilet, the landlord will take care of the cleaning bill.

  4. What you are smelling is most likely mildew there are many safe products on the market for this purpose.  If urine is causing the odor any pet store, yes pet stores sell the best safe urine begone products that will get rid of it.  If it is safe for you check the can Lysol and Clorox sell mold killers that can be sprayed on the carpet safely just go out for awhile and don't inhale or have husband or boyfriend do it while you are out.  Good Luck!  Happy Healthy Baby!!!

  5. You gotta pull it now, before you could have gotten away with a hurricane fan and a wet vac, but now, days later, there's mold in the carpet

  6. Pour some vodka on it.

    Then of course you have to deal with the stench of vodka, which probably won't do you any good!

    Any decent supermarket will sell febreeze, which claims to get rid of odour rather than mask it, but before this stage I'd invest in some mildew remover/mould killer.

    Good luck!

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