
How do I get rid of an ear infection that won't go away?

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I've used oral and ear drop antibiotics! Didn't worrk! Peroxide didn't work! Swimmers ear drops didn't work! regular ear ache drops didn't work! Taking cod liver oil didn't work! Chewing gum didn't work! The cayenne pepper trick didn't work! I need som real help here...I'm running out of options. I may just tell a surgeon to cut the ear off.




  1. Go to the dr. all those things you being putting in your ear ,Its may be more infected.

  2. A doctor can clean your ears out with a little water syringe thing. Otherwise try Hopi ear candles from health food shops but find someone who can do it for you. It draws impurities out.

    I always use T tree oil in my ears and I swear by  for everything. It helps to keep adrop or two of that plus a little warm olive oil, kept in with a lttle cotton wool piece.

    The oil can also help clean the ear out or else it can just heal and sooth it after you clean with the other methods.

    Also try taking some natural things internally like colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract and golden seal. Golden seal is a natural antibiotic, anti fungal.

    Try doing a parasyte cleanse. Any cleanse, bowel or liver. You may have too much toxicity in your system. Become aware of your eating habits. Don't eat cold things while you have the ear infection, including yoghurt and rice, they are too cold.

  3. Did you try putting some Sweet Oil in it?? I used to get ear infections all the time when I was little and my mother would heat Sweet Oil in the microwave and then she would put it in my ear. Like three drops in each ear. It worked for me every time.

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