
How do I get rid of an unwanted ferret?

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I recently moved into a new house, and had been hearing noises of an animal in the walls. This morning, while looking for a shirt to wear to work, I found a ferret nesting in a pile of my clothes. What should I do? I'm assuming that it was a pet of the people who used to live here. It really freaked me out and I left, so I don't know where it is in my house now. What should I do?




  1. ferrets are wonderful animals. if you slowly try to tame it, giving it some food out of your hand, it will be a start to picking it up and finding it a good home.

  2. Do you still have the ferret? Put out some food for it they like cat or dog food.Put on gloves an then when he comes out catch him. Have a cage ready. They are really neat pets.I have one.Where do you live.


  3. Do you live in the UK or US?

    Go to and see if there is a ferret rescue anywhere near you. You can just do a search for ferrets in your city and a list will pop up on the right. If you don't have any luck there, you could try calling your local Animal Control or your closest shelter and ask them where the closest rescue for pocket pets or exotic pets is.

    Finding a rescue for it will give it the best chance at being adopted.

    Finally, you could turn it over to a shelter or animal control, but they might put it down if it doesn't get adopted.

    You could also try to find it a home yourself by putting an ad in the paper or using a free online classifieds like Craigslist or Kijiji or something. But if you dont know much about ferrets it will be hard to find someone who is ready to adopt a ferret.

  4. Where do you live? What country, etc.

    Let us know where you are. I assume since you haven't been back on for 2 days, you already got rid of it. It would have been easy for you to google a ferret shelter and they would have let you drop it off or came and pick it up. If you dropped it off at an animal shelter, call a ferret shelter and tell them it's there so they can pick it up.

  5. Take it to a pet store or try to find it a good home.

  6. poor little person is probably starving and seared half to death--put out a plate with food on it with some water and it will start to come out of it's hiding spot-keep this up until you know it's eating then try a live trap--once in possession call a local rescue--for placement or keep the little person and enjoy more fun than you can imagine--you might want to get some books on them for your own benefit

  7. I had a ferret bought for me by my husband for my 17th birthday and it was ferrel! I rang the ferret society and they took it off my hands for free and they treat them really well, if you are in Sydney you could try calling them I think they are in Ryde  02 9635 9212  

    Hope this helps

  8. PLEASE do not just take him to any animal shelter. Most of them just put them down right away. Where abouts do you live? If it's in Ontario, there is a ferret shelter in Mississauga. If not, look on the Internet for a ferret shelter near you. You can go to If you type on the message board you'll get a hundred and one suggestions on who can take the little guy.

  9. Feed it and take care of it for a while and then call a rescue shelter or put it up on freecycle or craigslist!

  10. aww i have 13 ferrets, and m3 are strays that people have brough round maybe you could keep her/him if not you could advertise a lost ferret and if no1 climes her/him then put up a sign ferret free to good home =) good luck

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