
How do I get rid of ants around my apartment?

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I dont have an ant infestation, but there are these little obnoxious glass looking ants all around. I think they're scouts. They're not in trails, lines or bunches, they're sort of just wandering around. I keep killing them, I even bought the little ant bait things but they just won't go away. Is it really necessarfy to fog or fumigate the entire place?? I wouldn't mind so much except I keep finding them on my arms, in my chest...they crawl on the sink, in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Everything's clean and put away, why cant I get rid of them?? I'm worried they'll get into my baby's crib. Information would be appreciated and suggestions on how to get rid of them even better!




  1. Don't use spray, that stuff is really toxic

    Just get some ant traps.  Most of the ones I've tried don't work for shlt, but there must be some out there that work.

    I'd just recommend you keep your house really clean and swept from crumbs and stuff, and just deal with it and don't worry so much.  Ants aren't going to hurt your baby or carry him away - like you said, they aren't traveling in groups so they'd never be able to lift him away unless they were really coordinated :P ok its late lol hope this helps

  2. Raid ant and roach killer...a couple sprays and I swear they are gone.

  3. Go to the grocery store and buy a box of Borax.  It's located near the laundry detergents.  I think one common brand was called 20 mules or something similar.

    Mix one teaspoon of borax and 5 teaspoons of sugar per cup of warm water.  Once it's fully disolved, put in an old windex-type spray bottle and spray around the perimeter of your house.  Spray anywhere you see the ants regularly.  Within 2-3 days the ants should all be gone.

    Do not use commercial sprays, they could be dangerous to your baby.  Do not call your landlord, he will just use the same sprays or call an exterminator to do the same thing.

  4. Eat them!

  5. I would call the land lord and complain about this.  If they don't take action, then you might need to try to use a gel that you put around base boards and stuff.  It comes in a tube and is not to expensive.

    here is a site I came across that has a lot of info. and

  6. Sprinkle sevin dust along the walls outside your apartmant. Do it about every 2 weeks ...  you'll notice a diffenence within a few days and after six weeks your troubles should be totally gone. You can also use it indoors but I would not if I had pets.

    This should keep the ants away and sevin dust is relatively cheap.

    PS: I used to have a terrible problem until I did this.

    Note added: It would be rather stupid to tell you to clean your house when you stated you had already done that... just an observation. Also if the baby gets out and crawls around on the floor you don't want to put sevin dust or pestiside. inside your house where the baby might get to it...they do put EVERYTHING in their mouth.

  7. dont use chemicals or sprays,,, have a baby...  try to tace where they hide or where their colony is,,,,,then put freshly crushed black pepper,,,they cant stand it and will die,,,and get out of your apartment

  8. It doesn't seem like they're harmful, but I recommend Vaseline.  Spread a thin layer of vaseling all around the entrances, ways they get it and they won't be able to cross it.  Also around tanks or pets food dishes.  The baits that work the best are the coment ones.  I dont' recommend the sprays but spreading baking soda around places they frequent should help (i've heard anyway) good luck!

  9. Spray around where the ants hang and or set up more traps.

    2nd vacuum the place.

    3rd if theres vents buy filters for them.

    4th check for holes in the walls.

    5th If you tried all those and it doesn't work. Call the landlord.

    More info.

    Clean up the place.

    Toss out the garbage.

    Clean the pipes

  10. clean the whole apartment

    throw out any trash that you might have

    buy some bug spray and attack next time you see them

  11. let the landlord know, and in the meantime buy those ant bait things.. they'll take the poison back to their nest and kill their community.. but make sure your landlord does something about it. and make sure they don't fumigate, as that can be harmful to you and your baby. and dont leave food out.. sweep and mop regularly and vacuum! we have that problem with the tiny black ants! it's super annoying! we'll be calling Corky's pest control soon. they charge 160 to treat the inside and outside of your house and then $60 every six weeks to maintain.. but since you live in an apt.. then the landlord needs to take care of that.

  12. Kindly ask them to leave.  Politely explain that they are in your personal space and must move on outdoors.

    I know it sounds stupid - but it has always worked for me!

    By the way, killing them is just going to keep bringing them in to collect their dead...

  13. Clean the place up and throw those trash especially and then, those food that in the card board or table you have to be sure you have sealed them shut and lastly, if the ants are still there you have to call in for help thats for sure.

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