
How do I get rid of ants? each morning I find "bran" like flakes all over my window cill?

by Guest58298  |  earlier

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How do I get rid of ants? each morning I find "bran" like flakes all over my window cill?




  1. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle it here and there. The ants will come and pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her

  2. Find the nest, and pour boiling water over it. No chemicals so no risk to pets or children

  3. Are you sure that it is ants? Salt will kill ants, slugs etc. If not try looking at what it might be during the night.

  4. Nipon - just keep animals and children away

  5. Here is a link to several suggestions: for example, vinegar, black pepper, apple cider even Cinnamon.

  6. orange peel

  7. best thing i find with ants is to use ant powder all around the outside wall of your house

  8. Ants like corn meal, but it will kill them.  They take it back to their nest.

  9. ant powder

    we use it for the kitchen havent seen any since

  10. If you see "bran" like flakes on your window sill, you have carpenter ants.  I would suggest a professional in this case. They can do a lot of damage.

  11. spray all round with raid ant killer

  12. Getting rid of ants is difficult.  They live in colonies.  The ones you see are workers.  You can kill as many of them as you like, they're just clones and the queen ant will just make some more.  To destroy the colony, you have to kill the queen.

    Get some borax based ant killer.  One brand is Nippon, but you need the stuff in a tube, not the white powder.  Put it out somewhere where you find a lot of ants and wait.  The worker ants take it back to the nest and feed it to the queen.  It takes about 3 weeks until the queen dies.  The worker ants will die, but the larvae in the nest will hatch out and swarm.  The blackbirds will eat most of them, but stamp on any you find or they'll each become a queen ant and start a new colony.

  13. use a vacuum cleaner suck them right up.

    no harmful chemicals

  14. Borax laundry detergent is the best insecticide available. It will repel almost any insect - especially roaches and is completely harmless to humans, pets, etc. It also costs about $3.00 a box making it a cheap alternative to insecticides. Sprinkle some if it along your window sill and they should disappear. You might also sprinkle some outside your window where they are coming in from.

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