
How do I get rid of ants in my house without the use of chemicals?

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I don't like spraying chemicals in our house, because of my wife's chronic asthma. But I have red ants coming into my house in the living room. They must be getting in through a small hole that leads out to my yard, because I have the same red ants in my yard (I have tried chemicals out in the yard, and that doesn't completely get rid of them either). In the house I have tried talcum power what was recommended to me by a friend as a natural ant killer. What are your suggestions? Thanks.




  1. Ants hate pure neat washing up liquid the lemon sented works the best

  2. Sprinkle corn meal around the areas where the ants are.  They can't digest it.  Ants will be gone within 24 hours.  It's not harmful for pets or humans.

  3. Boiling water will deal with them outside, but I presume you don't want to do that in the house.  Therefore I'd start by sealing off the hole they use, then go on the hunt with a vacuum cleaner nozzle.

  4. go to walgreens,home d,lowes,and get Terro for inside then get   10,000 mule team borax from the laundry section of grocery store and broadcast it around the perimeter of the house.from house out 4 or 5 feet.will not hurt any plants grass etc SEE YA ANTS AND INSECTS.dont worry if you throw it thick in spots it will blow and wash away in a day or 2.WORKS

  5. you actually answered your own question..if you know the ants are coming in from the outside then you need to address the problem at the outside..knowing what chemicals you used may determine why they didn't work.  What you could do is get the product that attaches to the garden hose, any general insecticide and place a barrier around the foundation of the house, probably 10 feet out and five up the wall.

    I don't think talcum powder would be good to use if your wife has asthma, the fine powder can be an irritant. Gel baits would be easy to use inside and would be no bother to your wife, but not knowing what type of ant you have, you would be guessing on if you need to buy a protein based or a sugar based bait

    sevin dust is a toxic is low in toxicity as in anything else you may buy or have placed out by an exterminator, but it is a toxic substance. Boiling water is not the best will be carrying boiling water from the kitchen, out the door to the nest in a time frame the water is still hot enough to kill out the nest if the nest isn't actually too deep for the trick to work to begin with.  One trip or slip and boiling water burns all over yourself along with the boiling water will sterilize the soil and possibly killing the plants you are pouring it next to.  Borax / Boric acid will act as a long term herbicide, so I would not recommend putting it out in the environment. The reason ants can't digest corn meal..malt-o-meal..grits is because they do not have the ability to eat solid foods to begin with, save your pantry food for the kitchen table.

  6. have a shag on the floor then throw your knickers in the bin, have you ever heard of ants in your pants




  8. boiling water...but i'm not so sure you would want that inside the does kill them though!  i would go the chemical route if i was will be inundated with them if you aren't it on a day your wife is out maybe?

  9. hot water

    soap it up for that extra strength (Y)

  10. You may not like the sound of this but it worked for me, place sugary foods all around the hose and remember where u placed them. Wait a couple hours and there should be ants surrounding them, just start stomping on all them cause it will be easier if there in a group  

  11. well this is still a chemical so to speak, but you can get Seven Dust at walmart. I use it in my horse stalls. its not toxic, the powder doesnt get everywhere, and it works very well. its worth a try.

  12. Well, I have not tried this, bay leaves or cloves or mint leaves or cinnamon or garlic in all drawers and cupboards where problem exists.  They must be fresh, not dried.  

    Oh, I know you said you don't like chemicals, but we had an ant problem & we made a border outside up against our house of ant killer crystals.  It worked.  We had called an exterminator who suggested that to us.

  13. Coffee. How do I know this? Because when I leave coffee out on the kitchen counter overnight there is always a dead bug in it the next morning.  

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