
How do I get rid of dust?

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I recently moved into a new college dorm, and there are dust partials floating around everywhere.

Our room doesn't have a window we can open; so, is there a way to get rid of all this dust?




  1. The best solution is to purchase an air purifier with a filter, preferably a HEPA filter, but they can be a little expensive.  Keep it runinng full time for a few days until you recycle all the air.

    If that's not an option, you might try a humidifier.  You can get one for about $20-$30.  The humidifier will make the dust particles heavy with water and they will tend to settle.  Dust storms are more a problem of DRY air.   Then you can clean your floors and surfaces and wash all fabrics and that should reduce your dust situation.   If you don't have a humidifier, there may be some home grown methods for humidification.   Lay some really wet towels around the room, or leave a crockpot on with the lid off, or  just go around the room spraying a water bottle generously.   Caution, once you get your dust situation under control, don't run the humidifier too much, because excessive humidity causes an explosion in your dust mite population.   It is helpful, though, when you have a bad cold.


  2. Featherduster

  3. buy a mini vacume cleaner

  4. Get a fan and when it's gone dust everywhere!

  5. Find a dust-collector online

  6. get an air purifier.

  7. No.  Wipe everything with a damp cloth.  Wet dust can't fly.  But there is no way to get rid of all the dust.

  8. Is their dust just floating around or on your stuff? I would get a fan point it toward the door but other side of the room. Leave the door open so it can all get out! Good luck!!!!!

  9. You can get it professionally done.  Pretty pricey though.

  10. Dust happens.  You can't completely eliminate dust.  Clean the room thoroughly, then dust on a regular basis.  Swiffer dusters work well. You might want to consider investing in a small air purifier.

  11. First thing your gonna need to do is dust down all items with a damp cloth. Dont use a feather duster it just moves the dust around. Make sure cloth is a wet dry consistancy and dont miss anything dust all items. Next vacuum. If tile flooring dont sweep this again just pushes dust back up ito air. Use a canister vacuum. Carpeted room use hepa filter upright vacuum. You'll need to do this a few times, the dust will be removed gradually. Key is keeping room dusted on a regular basis. Really hope this helps. :)

  12. They need to change out the filters in the furnace/ac ducts more often.  Is there a vent to your room?  Cut out some filter and tuck in into the vent cover and clean it regularly.  Wipe down often with a damp, microfiber cloth.  

  13. Dust everything with a damp cloth.  If you have wooden furniture, use a dust repeller like Pledge for Wood. Also, air purifiers work really well- they suck in all the air in the room, clean it, and expel "fresh air"- if you have a lot of dust in the room, I would advise cleaning the filter to the air purifier every day until the dust goes away.

  14. Ionic breeze!

  15. Get a vacuum with a Hepa filter. Maybe someone else in your dorm has one you can borrow?

  16. hahahha good luck!  Dust is in the air and is impossible to get rid of.  Also, do you know that (I forget the %), but a high percentage of dust in your home is from dead skin that has frayed off of you or other people.

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