
How do I get rid of fat?

by Guest58309  |  earlier

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I'm a 14 year old boy. And was wondering how to get rid of my fat stomach I've tryed dieting and sit ups but after a week I stop pls help

I want to ask a girl out but I think I'm to fat





  1. You need to keep an exercise routine up for about 6 weeks to even notice a difference.  Also sit ups won't get rid of fat, they build muscle.  You need to do some cardio to lose fat like riding a bike or running.  Keep it up for 6 weeks and you will notice a big difference.

  2. -Drink water,lay off the sodas and juices, which are full of calories

    - Eat lean protein for breakfast, before working out in the morning.

    - Exercise in the morning, gets your metabolism working all day

    - Don't eat after 6:00/8:00 each night

    - Cardio for 30 minutes 3 times a week. Slower and longer is better   than faster and shorter

    - For strength training, ligher weight, higher reps will build lean muscle, which will therefor burn fat.

    -Eat wheat, not white bread

    -Drink lots of water

    -Remember, to burn fat you have to create a calorie deficit, meaning you burn more calories than you take in.  Don’t forget though, the body needs food to turn on your metabolism, and therefore burn calories. So, eat 5 – 7 lean, low fat meals a day,

    - Increase your fiber intake.  Always a good thing.

    Good luck.

  3. Just stay busy, even if you don't exercise I bet you eat more than you need to if you are just in the house sitting around.  Go outside and see the world the more you are out of the house the less likely you are to eat and so you lose the weight. Take a walk every night after dinner, you can have friends join you and have some fun with it.  Just find something to do and stick with it, your body is changing every day so if you stay active the weight will come off.

  4. Get the book "Mindless Eating".  It is GREAT!  It is not a diet book but a look at how people eat.   There are a number of small things that you can do to help everyday that are super easy but that can make a big difference in the long run.

    The next book to read is the "Alexander Technique" - all that it talks about is posture - the whole book is about posture.  The wild thing is that if you have good posture you almost always look better and more confident.

    My next recommendation is to wear clothes that are not too tight and not too baggy.  Either way it looks sloppy.

    Finally, take a deep breathe and enjoy your day - people like to be around other people that are having fun in what they are doing - The weight thing is a health issue that you will want to work on only to make yourself stronger and healthier but it is not a friend issue.  

    You definitely want to find something that you can do every day that will help make you stronger and healthier.  Even if you only do a few situps just keep up with it -

    This might be a good time to talk your parents into getting you a Nintendo Wii Fit - there is a great strength building program, aerobic and yoga progam here.  My kids LOVE it - and it gives you just enough positive feedback to keep you going week after week.

    Mostly, have fun, enjoy your self everyday.  Be that person that you would like to hang out with.

    Good Luck!

  5. 1: Reduce the amounts of saturated fats and trans fat in your diet. These fats are common in red meat, full-fat dairy products, and in fried foods.

    #2: Eat more whole grains and avoid sugary drinks and foods.

    #3: Pay attention to your alcohol consumption. While moderate amounts of alcohol are good for the heart, for some people alcohol can increase triglycerides levels. People should avoid alcohol for almost three weeks and then check the levels of triglycerides in order to determine whether alcohol boosts triglycerides in your body or not. I read about this at

  6. I have experienced this problem before, i did the following to solve it:

    1. Don't eat late before getting to bed.

    2. Don't take drinks during meals or within 1 hr after.

    3. Don't eat bread, potato, and rice within the same meal

    4. Avoid taking drinks high in calories

    5. Don't eat fast, swallow slowly

    6. Drink 1/2 to 1 liter of water once get out of the bed

    7. encourage eating vegetable salads

    8. Don't take huge meals, but few even more frequently

    9. Do some work out every day even if just walking

  7. do yoga and pranayama

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