
How do I get rid of grass I don't want?

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Over the years a new kind of grass has been invading my yard and I have finally decided to look into ways of getting rid of it. The leaves are thick and long, and when I mow the lawn they are rigid and uncomfortable to walk barefoot on--a favorite summer pastime of mine and my family's.


On the left is the grass I want. On the right is the invader. It has taken over the yard. I live in Phoenix, Arizona.




  1. You find anything on "Nutsage" I can gaurantee you.  

    Nutsedge, yes.

  2. Give it to Cat...............Nutsage and your screwed. It has a bulb somewhat like wild onions. The problem is its not a broadleaf weed so alot of discriminating broadleaf weed killers wont work. Once it takes hold it has a small party.

    Image is the ONLY chemical that is designed for nutsage but be careful in the time of application and mixture as Image is dangerous :)          Read directions and follow to a "T" for the best defense and expect to battle for about 3 years before you gain headway. By that time you might have given up and the year you don't fight it it will take over again . Be persistent for 3 years and good luck with that.

    NUTSAGE - google for more info

  3. That is Nutsedge.  It's really difficult to control.  It has a waxy "skin", so sprayed herbicides don't usually affect it too much.  Plus - the herbicides that would take it out, would also take out your desirable grass.

    Pulling it out when the soil is moist can help - however, you have to do it frequently and often, as the older plants have little "nut" tubers, that get dislodged when you pull the plant out, and grow new plants.

    BUT - if you let it go to seed, it spreads even faster.  Hand-pulling, if done when the plant is young, the ground is wet (and therefore the rootlets aren't

    holding on" quite so tight) will eventually affect control.  But it will be an ongoing battle.

  4. YIKES!!! I'm no expert, but I think I have this in my yard too.  We notice it when we let the lawn grow a little too long and these shiny slim leaves sort of pop up all over.  I do notice it in my neighbors yards and when they are allowed to grow, they turn into a week called rams head.  You would recognize it if you saw it.  I would let one get big and pull it and take it to a nursery to find out what it is for sure and then get some weed killer for it.  There are specific weed killers for each type of weed and you need the correct one!  Don't waste your time or money working with the wrong thing.  I pull these out whenever I see them.  They have very shallow roots and pull very easily.  Good Luck!!

  5. It has an awful lot of blades to be nutsedge, if thats what it is. Nutsedge will have a tuberous root system with little nutlets attached to the roots. Also if you break the blade and look down on the end of it the blade isnt flat but in a V shape.

    It looks a little like yellow nutsedge that we have here in out bermuda lawns. Look up a Lesco service center ( recently change their name to John Deere) amd buy a 1 gal. mix pack of Manage or Sedgehammer. that will get it. These products are expensive. MSMA will knock it back but you may end up hurting your lawn too with MSMA, better to use the other ones.

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