
How do I get rid of heat?

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It is really warm, and I want some tips to 'feel' cold




  1. You could hold an ice cube on the inside of your wrist or just under your ear lobe, the high volume of blood flowing in these areas will cool your entire body for a while.

    You could also use a long feather and tickle lightly across your back and shoulders, this will raise goosebumps and trick your body into thinking it is cooler.

    We used to use these tricks when it was really hot and we didn't have a/c yet and they worked pretty well.

  2. The trick I've seen on tv is to put your underwear or at least a t-shirt into your freezer, let it get cold, then put it on. That's not too energy efficient but it is what you'd expect for tv.

    The less you wear the cooler you are but if you're outdoors that means more sunscreen, too.

    You can find 'cool bands' to wear, they're like rolled up bandanas with some crystals inside that absorb water. You dip them in cold or icy water and wear them around your neck, forehead or elsewhere and they're very effective at cooling you off. Like anything evaporative, they work best in dry climates.

    Relax in a grassy area near some trees, grass and trees are both natural air conditioners and the trees also provide shade.

    There are small fans mounted on a spray bottle that let you use evaporative cooling wherever you are, but again it works best if it's not already too humid. They have similar things you can hook up to your garden hose to cool off your yard where you're sitting.

    If it gets really bad and you don't have air conditioning, go where they do have it. There's a reason movies were the first to add A/C back in the 20s and 30s, so you can always go watch a movie or hang out at the public library to cool off.

    Just using a hand fan or a small battery-powered fan will help you feel cooler, the breeze is nice and it helps your perspiration evaporate faster which cools you, too.

    If all else fails, go swimming or drive to the mountains if you have any nearby, they tend to be cooler.

  3. a great trick that i use is wet your skin

    it cools you instantly

    infact, it can make you feel chilly on a hot day

  4. You can't actually remove the heat around you without investing in air-conditioning, but some practical tips to reduce the heat are as follows:

    1) dress less. Remove some clothing.

    2) A bowl of water in front of a slow fan puts some moisture back into the air and makes it feel cooler and fresher.

    3) Close all blinds and windows throughout the day to keep the direct sun and heat out of the  area you are working/living.

    4) Open all doors and windows later at night to allow fresh breezes to come in and surround you. Close everything up again in early morning.

    5) A cool/shower or bath

    6) Run an ice cube over the back of your neck and behind your knees and inside your elbows. This has an instantly cooling affect.

    7) Move to Antarctica!!!!

    Hope I have been of some assistance.

  5. Climb in your fridge for 2-4 hours. You will feel less heat I think.

  6. tie your hair up with a pin. if you are alone at home and want cooling,just remove some of your clothes and sit under the fan. put your legs in cold has a soothing effect...

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