
How do I get rid of infant acne?

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I have a 5 week old son that has pimple/acne or rashes all over his face. What do I need to use to clear it or do I just have to wait until it clears?




  1. While it is a little unusual, infants can actually have acne.  Acne is most common in adolescents and young adults, and for the far majority of people it generally will disappear completely by the age of thirty.  Newborn infants who have acne most often have a sort of “acne eruption” over their nose or cheeks.

    Usually this clears without treatment, and it is best to allow the problem to take care of itself naturally.  If after several weeks or months there seems to be no change, or the acne gets even worse, it might be nothing, but it might be a sign of something more serious.

    Why can infants get acne?  Acne is cause by hormonal imbalances, and the same thing is what causes acne in infants.  Hormonal changes that occur while the fetus develops can actually cause infants to have acne.  Usually this will clear in a few weeks without any treatments, which is for the best.  The eruption called infantile acne may appear in the weeks, or in some cases even months after birth.  Persist acne may have an underlying metabolic cause that should be investigated by a pediatrician and dermatologist.

    If it doesnt clear up in a couple months (usually up to 3) then contact your baby's pediatricain

  2. My little girl has this too. She is 6 weeks 3 days. I just take a baby wash cloth and lightly scrub with baby soap. seems to help. When she spits up it seems that it comes back in that spot. Might be the sticky formula  if its not cleaned off.

  3. i have a 5 weeks old son with the same problem. its fine it will clear on its own. dont pick it

  4. It will go away on its own--it's just a reaction to your baby's body clearing out your hormones.  You might wipe his face with a clean damp cloth twice a day, but no medications and definitely don't try to pick/pop the pimples.

    My son had the same infant acne--looking back at photos it looks like he got it at about 2-3 weeks and it went away by the time he was 2 months old.


  5. nothing, it will clear on its own

  6. It'll probably clear up on its own in a couple weeks. No big deal, it just looks gross.  

  7. It will go away on it's own. My daughter had it terrible for a few months, but it all went away after that. It might be tempting, but don't pick at them or try to pop them.                              

  8. There really isn't a whole lot you can do for it, besides keep it clean.... and keep it hydrated if you son has very dry skin (mine did).  Use mild soaps without fragrances.... the fancy smell good baby soaps can be very irritating to a newborns skin.  Save those until he is older.  I used a johnson and johnson product that was fragrance free.  If the skin is very dry..... then apply a lotion, such as aquaphor or eucerin.  don't use baby lotions with fragrance.  Also...... the skin could be getting irritated from your soap..... try dreft.... its pricey..... but lasts a long time if you only use it on baby items.  Also..... DO NOT use laundry softeners or dry sheets on any of you babies clothes....... or blankets.  This will irritate the skin further.  other then that..... there's not much that needs to be done.  It will clear up on its own as time passes.  

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