
How do I get rid of mold smell in a small area? Is there a house hold product I can use?

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I have hardwood floors in my bedroom. I had a bad rain storm and water leaked in through the ac. I came home to find some mold on my floor and now there is a horrible smell coming from that area. I don't know what to do and have been sleeping on the couch for 4 nights because it is so bad. Help!




  1. my granny kept a can in her closet that had a musky mold smell and filled it with charcoal like you would grill with. The charcoal would absorb the smell and leave your room smelling fresh....

  2. How 'bout LYSOL.  I used it on the mold and mildew in my ceiling in my bathroom.  It not only killed the mold and mildew but the smell was gone for good too.  Saturate the spot and let it dry, then wipe up the mold residue.  Spray some in your air conditioner too it will freshen it up as well as make the entire room smell fresher.

  3. first, you need to get that fixed otherwise the smell will keep coming back. after use plug ins, they work great!

  4. Mold can be removed from wood surfaces with special cleansers sold at home stores: most mold removers available at the supermarket will bleach out wood and damage poly finishes.

    Another problem may be that the mold is growing under the floorboards. If that is the case, you've got a very tough job ahead of you, and it might be best to call in a professional.

    And don't do something stupid and get those evil disgusting plug-ins. They're full of noxious chemicals that can cause asthma and other problems and they can even be a fire hazard. They also don't get rid of the mould: they just add a trashy fragrance on top of it, which won't do anything for you.

  5. EPA says DO NOT use bleach against mold...

    And, yes, mold should be taken very wreaks much more havoc than simply smelling bad...

    Check out the remarkable research on toxic mold removal done by environmental expert Dr Ed Close. Simply diffusing Thieves essential oil regularly will likely result in an environment very hostile to mold.

    Cost of the Thieves Household Cleaner, a diffuser and a couple bottles of the Thieves oil that Dr Close recommends to his remediation clients: about $250.

  6. Mold is not that hard to get rid of, but if  you can smell it there must be a lot of it. This is what I do and it always works.  First, remove as much of the mold as possible ( with a spatula or some other flat object)  you must ensure you get it all cause any remaining will spread again. Then  get a "scrubbie" ya know the kitchen sponges with the texture on one side. Make a solution of bleach and water (bleach is 25 % water is 75%) put into spray bottle and spray the area and scrub with the scrubbie, then spray again, scrub -this may take a few times.  Mold does stain so you may end up with spots with no live mold present.  You mentioned you have hard wood floors make sure the bleach solution solution does not eat the finish on your floors.

    Once the mold is gone the smell will be also- unless the smell is from another source, the AC perhaps?  You may need to investigate that there is no mold in there- you certainly do not want mold spores flying around your bedroom as a result of mold being in the AC.  Illness could result-Good Luck.


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