
How do I get rid of moles?

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I have 4 mole stakes that are kind of like flashlights but have a vibrating frequency that is supposed to repel moles for 1500 sq ft each, and I've tried poisonous worms. But where do I put them? I tried granulated mole repellent that you sprinkle in a multi week pattern pushing the moles away gradually. None of the above has worked and I have a MOLE INFESTATION it seems like. Please HELP? How do you locate their "hide out" and their traveling paths etc...I gotta get them OUT!




  1. dont kill it!!!!!! whatever you do! call the zoo and get rid of them

    yee ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I can't believe nobody said Bill Murray...

  3. A few suggestions:

    1. Get a cat.  This is risky, however, because not all cats will hunt. However, the smell of a cat might shoo the moles off.  Worth a try if you've been looking for an excuse to adopt a cat.

    2.  Locate the burrows-look for small (2-3 inch) holes near your house.  Place your baits/traps nearby. Or, try digging the burrows open.  The moles might leave if they feel threatened.

    3.  Remove the food source.  Moles eat grubs, slugs, and bugs.  Call an exterminator and get sprayed for termites. (They might even be able to get rid of the moles...but many exterminators are "creepy crawlies only")  Work some diatomaceous earth into your garden soil to destroy grubs.  Improve drainage to limit slug supplies.

  4. Did you try Castor oil granules?  They work wonders for me and my well tended lawn that is swimming with mole food.  You do have to reapply 1-2 times a year.

  5. The short answer is you can't.  Moles seem to love the lawns that are aerated, fed, and easy to dig through.  None of the mole "remedies" (and killing mechanism) they sell on the market are going to address your mole problem.  However, if you can manage to stop playing with your lawn and using fertilizers, etc. the moles will go away.  Even using a heavy roller to tamp down the mole tunnels is going to do more harm to your lawn than to the moles.  

    The less you do to your lawn the less likely it is you will have moles.  Grass - or something green - can grow on almost any kind of soil, even hard clay.  

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