
How do I get rid of moths in my home???

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every summer we get these nasty creatures in our home among other bugs. we live on the third floor in our apartment so were up close to the trees we leave our windows closed but they still make there way in through front and back door. Just want to know of a safe way to get rid of them we have a 2 yr old and I heard moth balls are potentially poisonous would they do any harm if I just hang them(mothballs) from a sash right outside our doors or is there a safer method? please help lately we have been getting the really huge ones coming in (scary)




  1. Find a store that sells Bay Leaves. They are natural and completely get rid of moths.

  2. If you dont want to use mothballs (eeew stinky) try

    Cedar wood, i think you can get it at home improvement stores and you just put it up in places like cabinets and drawrs and it doesnt smell.

  3. moth ball smell really horrible. contact your apartment and see if they can treat your home. try to keep blinds close so outside bugs are not drawn in

  4. hit them with a newspaper.

  5. Moths hate citronella so buy a small bottle of the oil and use by floating a few drops into a dish of water and heating with a candle (I can't remember the d**n name of the kit you can get, sorry). You could also try sealing any holes or gaps where they may get in.

    Don't be afraid of moths, they are perfectly harmless and are simply confused by the lights you burn, they think it's the moon and are attracted. You will pass on your fear to your baby who will then also become afraid and nervous.

    I usually catch them with my hands and carefully put them back outside. and I haven't been bitten or stung yet!(hee hee)

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