
How do I get rid of mould from my house?

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I know how to get rid of it temporarily ie: using bleach, anti mould sprays and i've even painted the effected areas in anti mould paint!

It still grows back though.

How do I get rid of the cause?

We are renting our house and we've told the landlord about it, but he didn't seem very bothered and just said "well it will probably dry out over the summer"

He said just before we moved in he painted the outside of the house in damp proof external paint. But it's still friggin growing back!

I have asthma and its got quite bad since living here. I also have a 5 month old baby who i'm worried might also get affected by the mould.

We cant move as we signed a year contract, plus its handy for work and my baby will be going to nursery soon which is just literally round the corner from us.

Is there anything else that can be done? Does the landlord need to fit some kind of ventilation





  1. your landlord needs to get to the root of the problem, he will probably have to take some of the plaster off the ruddy wall to see whats causing the mould. if he won't do it go to your local council and see the health officer, he will make him do something about it.

    and you are the best on here, you little milf you. hahaha

  2. yes the council told me this in 1970s and ive done it for years and it works ....get a thick bleach not a cheap one..put it on to the wall with a paint brush thickly let dry then do again don't wish off just leave it ...don't forget to open windows ..bleach kills the spaws for good ...

  3. Your landlord is a d**k , the wall need to be opened to see what the problem is, must be water  creeping up the wall

    also use CILIT BANG barry scott would be proud  

  4. if the ground is wet or damp under house, this will cause risind damp.

    mould grows up walls an on ceiling...a common problim.

    if so flooring insulation is required.

    if not, id recomend a heatpump,an tell the land lord  to reduce the cost of rent untill heatpump price is met

  5. Open the windows if possible and after giving it a good cleaning, use a dehumidifier.

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