
How do I get rid of mushrooms in my backyard?

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I'm moving into a new house and the backyard is covered with large, flat, brown mushrooms. They're on the lawn and I've not seen any dead wood or trees nearby. The only reason I worry is because of my dog. I'd like to let him roam the backyard and not eat any of them. Would just picking them out as I see them be good enough? I woud mow over them but I don't want little mushroom pieces everywhere. I know I can't eradicate them forever but I just want to be able to fix it enough so that I don't have to worry about the dog.




  1. When ever you get hungry, you can eat them!!!!

  2. Ask at your local garden centre or library. Identifying mushrooms is a job for experts, and there's sure to be a local mycologist, or someone who can refer you to one. Local Uni or college, perhaps?

    It's unlikely that you dog would eat them, but dogs can be very odd with regard to what they pick up, so you're better safe than sorry.

    On the other hand, you might have a rare gourmet speciality that would fund your early retirement!

    Or summat of a shamanic, man.......;o))))

    Seriously, though, first dig out a mushroom with a bit of the surrounding soil, and photograph it as best you can. Wear rubber gloves and/or wash your hands afterwards.

    Does it have a ring of loose kleenexy-papery tissue round its stem or just a bare stem?

    Does it have gills like a regular mushroom or is the underneath like a fine dish-washing sponge?

    What do the very young specimens look like?

    What does it smell of?

    All this can help with IDing your mushroom, then you'll know how to proceed.

  3. try calling somewhere we had them in our backyard and were so worried about our dogs, and then one day our little 2  year old pug got into them got immediatly sick and it took $4000 and she still passed it was so heartbreaking be careful and try calling a poison place or something and see what to do

  4. don't worry, dogs can usually smell stuff that'll make them sick

  5. eat em!

  6. Your local pest and lawn service has an antifungus treatment they can do. Otherwise you have to seek out antifungal preservatives that you can buy cheap in bulk, and spread it over your lawn.

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