
How do I get rid of my bad dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I have bad dreams every single time I sleep, they give me such a sad feeling when I wake up.. how can I get rid of these dreams?




  1. I used to be the same. Except worse, I would wake up screaming and shivering from a bad dream almost every night. But eversince I started to pray every night it goes away and I always sleep peacefully.

    All you have to do is is pray.

    while you pray also recite this in your prayer from the holy bible. Psaume 3, Psaume 23, Psaume 27 and even more if you want.

  2. It is very hard to get rid of dreams but you can try to do a couple things.

    1. Don't eat or drink at least an hour before you go to bed

    2. Before bed watch a happy movie or read a happy book

    3. Listening to soothing music as you fall asleep

    Of course none of this insure a nightmare free night but they do put other things on you mind. The real thing is distracting yourself from whatever is causing the said dreams

  3. Usually when you have bad dreams ; its because you are over stress ; or you have lots of unresolved issues . So you have to try to find a solution for your problems

  4. you cant get rid of dreams

  5. Is the room you're sleeping in hot?  Sleeping in a hot room can cause nightmares.  Try sleeping with it being cooler.  Also, try some relaxing things before bed -  nothing too exciting or scary on TV or in books.  I get horrific nightmares every now and then and I have to make sure that I remember to try to calm and slow down a few hours before I go to sleep.  

    Are there stresses in your life that cause you to lie awake awhile before you fall asleep?  Those might come into play by coming out in dreams.  

    Good luck, I know  how awful they are.

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