
How do I get rid of my lawn?

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I have a small front lawn about 13ft by 9ft and I want to get rid of the grass and then cover the surface with maybe gravel and some kind of paving. How do I lift the grass off? Do I dig it up?

Cheers dears!




  1. Rent a sod cutter and cut underneath the grass.  You will have a smoother surface to work with.  After the grass is come put down landscape fabric or at least 4 layers of newspaper (more newspaper if you have it) the add the stones or what ever you might want to cover the area.  If you later decide to do some specimen plantings you just cleat the stones and cut a hole in the fabric.

  2. Yep its the only way to do it.

    Of course you could always cover the grass with a layer of heavy duty polythene, to suffocate grass and act as a weed suppressant. Spread a layer of gravel at approxiamately 4" (100mm)

    Checkout this website it should give an idea

  3. sorry, but the only way is to dig it up...have fun...maybe you could pay a couple of teenagers in the area to do the dirty's the holidays and you know what they are like for wanted to make a few quid...

  4. A good spade will do it for you.  A sod cutter will also work.  If you are just going to put gravel on top all you really have to do it spray the entire area with round up to kill the existing grass and then put landscape fabric on top of it and then the gravel on top.  If however you plan to do some sort of hardscape work later on you will need to take the grass out because in order to put any sort of paver stone down you need to dig down several inches and add a good stone base.

  5. that's what you would have to do dig up the lawn.

  6. You can get fabric from garden centres that stop weeds growing through. Cover your lawn with this then gravel over the top.

  7. Rent a rototiller and till it up...wait 2 days and till it up again...wait 2 days and till it up one last time. This exposes all the roots to the sun which kills grass, weeds, etc. I learned this from an old Hillbilly.

  8. Digging is the fastest way.  Use a good spade to get under the roots and thatch of the lawn and take it up piece by piece.  Once you have removed the sod, level and grade the area and put down some landscaping fabric to help prevent weeds from coming up.  

    You could also spray the entire area with RoundUp to kill all the grass and weeds.  Once they have all died out, just follow the same steps.

  9. you can borrow my puppy, he digs up lawns faster than any industrial piece of equipment!

  10. Napalm.

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