
How do I get rid of my neighbours cats???

by  |  earlier

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I am sick and tired of cats defecating in my gardens and on my lawn (which we just tore up and are trying to re-seed). I've caught them numerous times, but cant figure out who they belong to. Any suggestions for a repellant or deterrant?




  1. Put out a big plate of food with some mouse poison in it.

  2. Tell ure neigbors- if that doesn't work then call like the police or animal control or something

  3. You could try an air-soft rifle - these have those tiny paint pellets, I believe.  Or a pump bb gun.  Either of these will send a stinging message, but will not harm the cat.  Don't overpump the bb gun.

  4. OK  after you have talked to them and that does not work get you a bottle of tylenol, put it in a pie pan (add a little water because cats dont like sweet stuff) and let them lap it up.  That will get rid of them for good.  It is very toxic to cats.

  5. Hello!

    We own three cats and I have tried just about everything to keep them out of our neighbors' yards.  Nothing has worked, so far, including expensive movement sensor gadgets - $200.00 worth!- that let off a loud noise when a cat (but not a person) walks in front of it.  I thought about getting one of those upright-standing hoses with an animal or bird head that sprays water in the direction of movement when it senses it, but I haven't tried it.  It costs about $60 and looks like it would work but my neighbor didn't want it in his back yard (both items available on e-bay and other pet-type websites).  My neighbor finally said that he knows that "cats are cats" and for us to stop trying to do things to prevent them from using his yard as a toilet.    

    I don't want my neighbors to be unhappy with us or our cats, either.   It is true, cats are just being cats - and it isn't fair to be angry at them because they don't understand our own system of marking territory.  I know it is frustrating but please don't take their behavior personally.  They are not trying to infuriate you by purposefully sneaking over to p**p in your yard even though they "know" you don't like it.  

    Try staking up a temporary "fence" of chicken wire around the perimeter of your lawn that is high enough that the cats don't try to jump over it.

    The best overall solution so far for us has been to go out every morning and collect cat p**p in our neighbor's yards (we have their permission to go into their back yards too).  At least the neighbors don't have to deal with that part of it.   We also have litter boxes outside in our back yard that they do use most of the time.  Meanwhile, if you find anything that does work, please post it!


    P.S.  Animal Control and/or the police will not do anything about this kind of situation.  Getting rid of the neighbor's cats would not keep other/future neighbor's cats from going in your yard at some point in time.

  6. A Have-a-heart-trap, cheap cat food, and Animal Control. They will take care of your problem. Most the times, you can get a trap from Animal Control for $50 deposit and they will tell you what times you can set up the trap. My AC guy has limited hours and I've had to release a trapped cat because the guy took a vacation day or sick... It's pathetic to have weak Animal Control. They treat people trying to control the pet population like criminals before their poor owners, but they do have this service. Best of luck to you! I hope you catch every one of them!

  7. For a smaller area, such as a garden, this has worked for me.  I put out several mouse traps around the area.  Then cover them with newspaper or something lightweight so that when the cat sets of the trap, it will scare the daylights out of it, but it will not harm it.  It's just the noise of the trap setting off that scares them.   As a dog lover myself, we are responsible for everything our pets do and we should not have to tolerate another person's pet damage to our property.

  8. Cats hate water sprinklers.

  9. Keep the water hose ready, and if you see the cats, spray them with the water hose.  After a few times, maybe they will get the message.  But I use my old Red Ryder BB gun, also. It doesn't shoot hard, so don't harm the cats. They get to the point where, all I need to do it open the door, when I see them and shake the rifle, and they scoot.

  10. Well my dad had this problem, and i think from any of the main stores like b&q you can get this thing,sorry not sure what its called but it lets of a noise that cats do not like and keeps them away. Its a noise that no one else can hear apart from cats, its only small and can be placed anywhere in the garden and im sure that its not very expensive.

    Hope this helps!

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