
How do I get rid of my tan???

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I naturally tan very easily and always usually have an olive complexion. My back, shoulders and arms are the tannest part of my body and tan the easiest. From my chest all the way down to my feet my skin color is the same. Oh and my face is the same color as below my chest. Anyway I went out without sunscreen a few days ago and my shoulders and back tanned really. How can I make my arms, shoulders, and back match the rest of my body? I really don't want my back and arms to be darker than the rest of my body. And now that they tanned, it's even more noticeable. Are there any creams or at home recipes or something that can help??? I really need help especially now that I'm going back to school in a few days!!!! Thanks in advance!!!!




  1.   I would feel blessed if I was you, be thankful for what you have got. Now to answer your question? There is no remedy for removing your tan, but you could try wearing long sleeved shirts and long trousers and your tan might fade in time but not quickly, stay indoors more instead of being out in the sun yoo much. That is the only advice I can give you, hope it helps. faith.

  2. Believe me tanned is better than not. Be thankful you aren't a ginger

  3. I would probably buy some self tanners to even out the untanned areas... be careful though. That stuff can streak. May I suggest neutrogena dark tan. hope that works out. :)

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