
How do I get rid of my unattractive gaps between my teeth?

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Is there a costless procedure that I can do to fill in my gaps so that I can have a smile like Alicia Keys




  1. Costless? I don't know about that. But braces will be the ideal way to go. Or maybe just retainers. Depending on how big the gaps are.

  2. You could get Lumineers. They are expensive, they cost $1000 per tooth and you really have to take care of them to maintain them but they are so worth it. Most celebrities get them. No there is nothing costless in this world, anything worth having is worth paying and worth working for.

  3. Costless?  ummmmmm NO!  There are several options depending on how much you want to spend and how long you want it to take.  There is always braces-takes the longest.  There are veneers or Lumineers which are quick, they stay the color you pick, they can correct tooth size and positioning without removing much natural tooth structure.  Crowns can do the same but take more tooth structure away.  All of these options will be more expensive (at least $1000 per tooth.  A quick and less expensive choice is bonding.  This adds some tooth colored material on each tooth closing the gaps.  It depends on how big the gaps are and the size of your teeth.  Small teeth and small gaps can be filled very nicely with bonding.  If your natural teeth are larger and the gaps are large too, bonding will help but you actually make the teeth larger in size by adding material so you don't want to make them look giant!  Bonding won't last forever, can chip or break and can stain around the edges.  It also can eventually not match in color as time goes on.  Teeth natually yellow with age and while the bonding may match at first, over time it won't.  This is easily corrected by just re-doing the bonding.  Bonding can be removed.  

    Other factors are age and finances.  My office won't do crowns, veneers or Lumineers before age 18.  If you are on your parents insurance check into braces or bonding.  If you have your own insurance, do the max it will let you per year until you get the smile you want or just pay anything over the max yourself.  If you have no insurance you can pay cash/credit card, get financing through the dental office or check into your local dental college.  They do work by students (supervised by faculty) at a much reduced fee.  

    It can be done but it is by no means costless anywhere!  It can be anywhere from expensive to VERY expensive.

    Good luck

  4. If you're still young and parents can afford it, get braces.  All kids are getting them these days and by the time it really matters, after graduation you'll be getting them off and have a beautiful smile.  

  5. depends on how wide the gap-

    bonding, veneers, complete smile design to braces.

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