
How do I get rid of the GIANT roaches that haunt me?

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I have my house exterminated almost once I month, I keep my own pump sprayer at my side like a gun in holster all the time, yet these giant, and I mean giant, bugs are terrifying me. Mostly seen in the bathroom. Today one was crawling out of my toilet, had I sat down, it would have been on my behind. They scare me until I am afraid I'm going to literally have a stroke--I'm not a young woman..HELP...SOMEONE PLEASE. I'm in Texas, it's hot and dry..are they coming in for water???




  1. I know the roaches of which you speak. I lived in Oklahoma for awhile and HOLY c**p!!! I didn't know bugs that size existed. I don't think they are actually roaches though, they're a type of water bug that stay in the grass most of the time.The only thing that worked to keep them out of our house was borax across the thresh holds and then spraying the perimeter of the house with bug killer.

  2. a shotgun. #8 shot.

  3. they are roaches.

    roaches come in different sizes.

    they are coming in for water.

    hotels always claim they're not roaches, they're water bugs.

    they're roaches.

    ugly as they are, they won't hurt you.

    i do know that's not much help, but it is true.

    googling  cockroach extermination  turned up the following sites, and many more.

  4. Boric acid is great for getting rid of them. Also, make sure to get rid of any moist places that you may have around your home. Clean and dry everything in the kitchen every night.

    Make sure that your grass stays cut. If you have any big old trees, cut the branches back away from your house. There's a reason they're called "tree roaches". If you have any leaky old pipes, do what you can to caulk around them or change out the gaskets, etc.

    They also like cardboard. Do not have cardboard boxes in your home at all. I used to have them and when I changed out all of the cardboard boxes for plastic storage boxes, I got rid of them. I know it is more expensive, but it will save you in the long run because you will be rid of Rude Rudy Roach and his longtime girlfriend Rita.

  5. I've had a similar problem... Not cockroaches, but we had these huge bee-type things, probably 3 inches long...

    A very effective (yet VERY dangerous) way to exterminate them...

    If you find one (or better yet, several) in an inflammable area, where there is absolutely NOTHING that can catch fire for several feet (such as one in the toilet bowl), I've found a good old-fashioned spray-paint canister and lighter do the trick just dandy... but remember: this is VERY DANGEROUS. You could risk burning down your house, and I'm sure you don't want that.

  6. you gotta move, roaches are predicted to survive doom's day. you cant get rid of them!

  7. Hi. I too live in texas and sometimes get those big "tree roaches" as we call them that come in the house. I would recommend you buy a can of Bengal brand roach spray. I use it and it works like a champ. I hope this helps you...

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