
How do I get rid of the flys in my house???

by Guest67086  |  earlier

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I need to know how I can get rid of or at least reduce the flys in my home. They are coming in my sliding glass door. I have to keep it open so my cat can go in and out.




  1. Have a bug zapper over the door.

  2. stop pooping on the floor!

  3. if you have any cats or dogs and they p**p or pee on the floor then that will attract them also never leave they screen open on your windows and never leave your doors open for a long time and take some bug killer and spray it on the walls and get a dogie door for your cat and teach your cat (i hope its cute) or you could leave your cat outside and let him in when he/shes at the door if this doesn't work then have a fly swatter handy heh heh heh heh hehe ha ha ha ha ha and also make sure that your kitten is always happy =~) and                                                                                                    PS i love cats too! I'm an animal lover in fact i have 4 birds 1 dog like 5 fish and a frogs in the backyard =~)but i cant get a cat my dog would like kill him =~(

  4. get a cat door!! I had a similar problem.. look on get one of those sliding glass inserts cat doors here is what the look like..

    Im in atlanta and i see stuff like that one craigslist for cheap all the time.. My bassethounds liked to be outside too and i would leave the door open. couldnt leave a drink unattended!! but a cat door is your best bet!! goodluck!!

  5. This question really made me think...I think Yahoo should give points for the dumbest question ever.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but either leave the cat in or out, but SHUT THE DOOR! My grandmother would say "were you born in a barn?"

    Good Luck.

  6. keep the door closed only open it when you see that the cats want to go out.

  7. Well that's pretty dumb, get like a kitty door or something.  That's ridiculous.

    Or just get a fly stick and stick it on the ceiling.

  8. sticky flap traps cats, zap zapers. spray them with oxy clean it kills them because of the chemicals.

  9. Bathe more frequently and you will stop attracting them.

  10. bug zapper.... away from the door because the light attracts the flies and will attract them away from the door if you put it a few feet away on the porch.    seriously, invest in a kitty door.  you can install it in a window, or a regular door, or even in the wall.... like beside the glass door.

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