
How do I get rid of the house centipedes in my house? They drive me crazy!?

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We are running a dehumidifier in our basement and have cleared away stuff from around the outside of the house. I try to keep the house un-cluttered too. But they still sneek in and scare me to death! I don't want to use pesticides. Somebody, please help!




  1. First, you absolutely must get some sticky glue boards - a captured centipede is just as good as a dead centipede... and yes, they do bite, and yes, for some people it's serious.

    I believe the answer you're looking for can be found in Integrated Pest Management. Since each home is different, the exact steps you'll need to take will vary, but the basics are: block off the entrances into your home, reduce the harborages and apply pesticides.

    This works for all bugs.

    Oh - and Druidic methods such as ultrasonic noisemakers, bay leaves, cinnamon, salt, chalk and the like don't work.  You'll just waste your time and money.

    Also - boric acid is a very weak pesticide against bugs... especially centipedes and spiders. And yes, boric acid is poisonous.

  2. when we moved into our house we had them like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... im pretty sure we just let em go. We also vaccumed allot.......

  3. Buy an utlrasonic pest repeller at Home Depot or Target and anything that creeps or crawls will vacate your home in a matter of minutes.

    I bought one for roaches because the apartment I moved into was infested and within a few hours after pluging it into an electrical outlet I didn't see not one of the disgusting things skittering about.

    It emits a high pitched sound that insects and rodents hate and can even kill them if they stay but is safe for humans and pets.

    Good luck

  4. are they house centipedes or the red ones from outside? house centipedes are completely harmless- and they will even lose legs if you even brush them with something. The ones from outside tend to "attack" houses in cycles. I know you don't want to pesticides, but if you treat around the base of the house they will not come in any more. Otherwise they will leave eventually.

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