
How do I get rid of the mosquitos? Or at least tone them down?

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Mosquitoes are terrifying this year here in Missouri and who knows where else. I can't even bring my 1 and 2 year olds outside to play because no matter which brand of bug spray, bug lotion, candles, etc. and no matter how much of any of it I use, they (and I) get attacked like we're the bloodiest humans on earth. My sons are particularly sensitive to these awful pests: both were outside one day for about 10 minutes and I got so sick of it and literally had to force them back inside because they both looked like they had some weird skin disease all over their bodies. The bites get as big as a grown man's thumbpad and sometimes larger. They swell up, get all red and itchy. Drives the kids crazy! I can't even get out to the car at 4:00 am without being attacked. The ground is mush from all the rain, and I think that helps them breed like crazy.

PLEASE HELP! WHAT CAN I DO?? My kids just want to play outside.




  1. They will be there if there has been rain. Wait till it dries up some and spray some Cutter over your entire lawn. It comes in a bottle that you attatch to your water hose and then just spray. Works wonders in my yard, until it rains again anyway.

  2. benedryll will help bring down the swelling.

    there are plants called citrosis the repell mostquitoes somewhat. raid coils work somewhat.

    there's the option of buying a bug zapper--kinda pricey tho

  3. I read somewhere that if you put Mouth Wash Listerine in a spray bottle and us it in you yard it will get rid of them. Worth a try.

  4. Install a bat house bats can eat a thousand of those in an hour

  5. Get them to eat vitamin B tables.. or, if they cant take tablets, make them eat marmite (in sandwitches etc) it surprisingly works! I went on holiday and they stayed away and i diddnt get one bite!

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