
How do I get rid of the pain from wearing steel toe shoes? Why is steel toe shoes hurt my feet so bad?

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I need some suggestion of how to get rid of the pain from wearing steel toe shoes that I had to wear at work. It hurt so bad I wanted to cry. It is stiff than a regular tennis shoe. I tried the "shoe insert/cushion" and it didn't help. What can I do to stop the pain?? I thought "work shoes" suppose to be comfortable?? Help please and thank you for all answers.




  1. Buy a pair of steel toed shoes that fit properly.  

  2. quit crying about it if work requires you to wear them then deal with it crybaby mine always rip my socks cause their so messed up you dont see my crying about it tho ! (least not when people are around =( )

  3. I don't know anyone who doesn't have some sort of discomfort from steel cap boots. I would check they are the right size by getting properly fitted for them and try to put in thick foam inserts or woolen inserts. I have had to do that with my work shoes and it does help. Good luck.  :)

  4. are you wearing the right size shoe?

    you should try a different brand of shoes it shouldn't be causing you pain unless you have feet problems i would buy a different pair of shoes.

  5. Don't wear them! I'm suppose to wear steel toe shoes for work, but i refuse 'cos they r****d my toes, much more than running them over with a giant cage full of plates... I've run my toes over before and it didn't hurt as much steel toed shoes! Just refuse to wear them, get a doctors note or something.

  6. wear the correct size or a size bigger

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