
How do I get rid of the random squeak in my voice? ?

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I have a pretty deep voice and I'm 14. Deep enough for girls to compliment but anyways I can't help but squeak sometimes randomly like once or twice a day and it's just so annoying. My friends would just burst out laughing and I know I wouldn't want that to happen to me if I was talking to a hot chick. Help me?




  1. u cant do anything about it

  2. have someone karate chop your throat 3 times a day.

    for reals though, just play it off, you gotta laugh at yourself.

  3. You can't do anything about it really. Its normal. Maybe your voice is getting even deeper because it is cracking. It could just be something that happens with you.

  4. Wait until you are done going through puberty. After that there will be no more squeak. Maybe if you do it when talking to a girl she will find it cute!


    its all good, girls know you cant help it.

    and thats what friends are for! am i right?

  6. throat surgery sounds like the only way but besides that theres nothin much ya could do bout it mate...its just somethin abnormal bout ya i guess..but nevertheless ya shouldn't feel ashamed of ya voice..

  7. Give your hormones a chance to finish up what they started.  Believe me, a deep voice leaves a good impression on a lot of fine young ladies.

    The "cracking" should disappear in a few months.  Try speaking more slowly till then.

    Lucky!  I had a deep voice as a teenager and it served me well.  Still does.  Has a sound of authority and commands attention.  Use this gift carefully.

  8. My freshman year I had to read the announcements in homeroom every day. I squeaked at least once a day. Man...  I feel for you. But not a lot you can do about it. Hang in there, it WILL go away. And not too far off. I seem to remember that I didn't have that problem for the whole year.

  9. You just need to wait a couple more years. You cannot force it, simply put. You are 14, at any moment now you will start to develop a deeper voice. Just wait a moment longer, it will happen!

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