I searched through some of the previous answers however I have already tried most of the stuff suggested. I live in a rural community and have a huge open field behind me, I think that's where the mice are coming from. I have tried everything short of poison. I'm trying to steer away from the poison because my pets have caught a few of the little buggers and I don't want them getting ahold of a poisoned one. I have tried traps, live traps, those little electronic things, I've even had exterminators come in but nothing seems to be working. I was having a little bit of luck with the electronic things, then it seemed to stop working so I moved them, which didn't help, so I bought some new ones thinking maybe those were just bad. Anyways, I have two cats and a dog, the dog is better at catching the mice! haha....but that's not really keeping them away. I keep my house clean, I've caulked all the holes around the house, I've put all my food in air tight containers....