
How do I get rid of these pesky flying ants?

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Every year since ive lived in this apartment, for about 8 years now, In the summertime ants come in and swarm my house. It gets real bad, to the point where if i leave a can of soda or candy, or anything on my counter, in about 5 min ants got it.

Ive tried many things. nothing worked, until I found this poison from florida. Its supposed to attract the ants, and when they bring it back it kills the whole colony. It did a decent job, cutting the ants infantry about half.

But now, a new problem. Theres alot of these pesky flying ants now. I think they were forced out of thier dead colonies, and are looking to make new ones. Everyone is saying to wait, and they will be gone. No they wont, they will make new colonies. More of them.

Another thing, Ive never seen them fly. They seem to walk around, even though they have wings. They are about 50% bigger, and im sure they are ants -not termites

So how do I COMPLETLEY get rid of these little critters? They bother me ever year. Please help




  1. They are girl ants you see they live in old wood, get ant killer poison and put it where you see them most.

    Help this helps. :)

  2. If you have plants in the house, the ants will be attracted to the soil in the pot, to colonize.

    Change the soil in your house plants.

  3. I think they're termites or carpenter ants.  they swarm each year because they're trying to find mates so they can reproduce.  You must have a major infestation, don't lean on anything wood, you might fall through.

  4. This is a pretty good website with LOTS of information. It doesn't specifically mention flying ants, but it should still help:

    Good luck :o)

  5. Take some pictures of these pests.  Show them to your landlord and insist that the problem be resolved.  You are living in sub-standard conditions and have the right to live in a non-infested environment.

  6. Uh oh! Those flying ants are not a good sign. They are out to start new colonies which implies you have one or more VERY large colonies in or near your home. Another problem, if you don't locate and kill the queen she will lay hundreds of eggs for each ant you kill. You, my friend, are in dire need of an exterminator. You would not believe the damage even a small colony can do to your home, and you're right, they won't just go away.

  7. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.  This way you don't have to know where they are coming from,  just where they are going to.

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