
How do I get rid of these things when my computer starts up?

by  |  earlier

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The things that pop up are.

1. Macafee thingy, where you have to verify, which I cant, cause idk the pass.

2. Weather bug.

3. This alert message in a grey box that says v++++++ or something.

4. Lots more stuff i dont feel like typing.

I cant figure out how to get rid of these annoying things. I just have to click the x on pretty much all of em, but it still makes my computer slower and such.




  1. Well for McAfee and weather bug, I'm sure you can just go to start>control panel>add or remove programs>look for the names and remove them. that should stop em.

  2. 1. Open Start

    2. Click on Run

    3. Type msconfig and than press Enter

    4. Click on Startup (its a tab on top of the window that opens)

    5. Un-check all the things that u dont want to start when you open your computer (or check the ones that u do want to open)

    Now just press OK, restart your computer and ur all ready!

  3. start > control panel > add or remove programs > (wait for the list to load) then look for the the program that causes the problem & un install it

  4. i had the same problem, wat i did was just deleted the whole program from my computer. because i rarely used it. that also made my computer go faster. if you decide to do that, but still want the program, you can always re-install it and there will normally be a choice weather to auto start or something.

    to delete program;

    1.go to control panel

    2. click, programs.

    (a list of all your installed programs should come up)

    click on the one you want to uninstall, and at the top it should say "uninstall".

    if any questions, just ask

  5. if you dont need the programs what are popping up when logging on your computer why not just uninstall the program thats what i do.

    hope it helps.


  6. Start, Run, type MSCONFIG.EXE and click OK.

    Go to the Startup tab and untick anything you don't want on start up.

    Reboot... fixed!  But don't disable too many things :P

  7. 1)control panel>Add or remove>look for the programs u dont wont any more on ur pc and remove them....

    2) format the pc = i dont think u can do that on ur own =] gud luck

  8. click the X

  9. try

    make a list of them all.

    firstly ~hold Ctrl+Alt+Del~(all on bottom row of keyboard)all at the same time~release them~a window will appear named" task manager".the second across is processes ~click on it .on each one of the names on it that is on your list~click on the name ~then on the button marked "end task"

    this will stop them appearing on start up.

    then go to "add and remove programs if they are on there click on the name . on the window that appears click on uninstall.

    now download "ccleaner"(yes 2 c's) run it.

    this will remove all temp files and browser cookies caused by browsing the web.this will give you some memory back and will speed your PC up a bit.(run it at least once a week)

    this will help .

  10. Without knowing what they are, it's impossible to tell you what they do and whether they are okay or a sign of an infection.  

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