
How do I get rid of this burp smell?!?

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I keep burping. It smells disgusting. The taste in my mouth and my nose makes me want to vomit. I had some mashed potatoes with garlic in them earlier today from Outback Steakhouse, and I believe this is the cause. Is there anyway to get rid of this stench when I burp?




  1. you have to stick your finger down your throat and make yourself throw it up and you will feel much better


  2. stop burping..gross

  3. well take a breath mint and then some water. takes the smell out pretty fast

  4. Maybe the food you ate does not agree with you. If you do not have problem in other time, the food must be the culprit. Try to avoid eating those things. I have bad experience with Chinese radish.

    I work with pepsin digestion of meat. The mixture smell like vomit. I think that is what you smelled.

  5. Brush your teeth hopefully that will help.

  6. drink water or try chewing gum!

  7. I think I understand the problem you're having and it's not that you just have funky smelling burps, right? but are these like rotten-eggs? Does your stomach feel funky or sour?  If so, not much helps but time but sometimes Pepto bismol will help lessen the severity and make it so they don't smell so bad.  I also understand, if you're having the problem I think you're having, that you can't really NOT burp- as you may start feeling bloated and yucky if you try.  I'm not sure why these episodes occur, what brings them on, etc.  I know for myself a couple triggers that aren't 100% but probably over 75% cause an episode are deep fried foods and foreign water (if I go to another city or state and have water I'm not used to- especially well water).  

    A lot of the time this has to work it's way down your GI system and will go from nasty smelling burps to gas that can clear a room in 5 seconds flat.  It may also cause some diarrhea with or without feeling crampy.  

    I'm not 100% positive you're having the same thing, but it rather sounds like it and having experienced this myself I know how frustrating it can be. Brushing teeth can help get the taste out of the mouth, but until the burps stop it's very short lived. Sometimes chewing gum helps.  Try Pepto, either liquid or chewable. It's gentle and you can have more if the first dose doesn't do it.  Might help.  So far, that's all I've found that helps at all.

    For me this typically lasts 12-24 hours and resolves on its own.  Good luck and take care.

    Maybe post an update tomorrow?

  8. Try lightly brushing your tougne. I brush my teeth w/baking soda & My breath never smells & I hardly ever have a bad taste in my mouth. Like before when I used toothpaste & mouth wash. I felt like I had to brush my teeth 2-3times a day. Drink a ginger ale drink to burp up all the garlic.

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