
How do I get rid of tiny green translucent flying bugs in my house? They look like neon green mosquitoes!?

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I opened my window yesterday for a few minutes and now I have TONS of tiny green flying bugs inside! They're EVERYWHERE! How do I get rid of them? They are only around at night, I assume because i Have the lamps on. They're EVERYWHERE!




  1. OMG I had the same problem 2 days ago (when temperature hit 98) and stumbled upon your question while trying to identify those suckers myself.

    We had all our screened windows open but they were sneaking in through a 1mm gap between the screen and window panels. Unfortunately we didn’t find the gap soon enough and our apartment was filled with those tiny flies. Yes they were attracted to the light and they were so determined to come inside the house, it was creepy.

    When we closed our windows they covered the windows and screens. There weren’t that many last night but then I had the lights on for short period of time afraid to go through it again.

    It could be just a seasonal thing because the previous owners did not experience this at all. And I’ve never seen anything like it for the last 7 yrs I’ve lived in this neighborhood.

    This is not an ordinary black fruit fly we see flying over a rotten fruit. They were definitely from the big trees in front of our windows.

  2. hmm.. don't know

  3. Do u have trees around?? I have a tree directly in front of my house that they cling too... I hate the little buggers they are so annoying... Raid should do the trick ...spray in the room where they are and close the door so that they wont fly out into other roms tryinf to escape the raid fumes...i keep my front door closed in the summer months even though i have a screen... even when the a/c isnt on

  4. Are they aphids?  If they are you could spray some vinegar and Pepsi on any plants you have in your house.

  5. we pulled the smelly cover of the pool and we have tiny black bugs flying around.

    You could leave for four hours and flea bomb your house

  6. They are attracted to light. Turn a light on just outside your door. Turn all lights off inside house. When all bugs are outside close door. Turn light off next morning.

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