
How do I get rid of trees coming up in my lawn and flower beds?

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Its driving me nuts, I know that cutting them makes the problem worse, but I have to mow my lawn. Plus they look terrible shooting up in my flower beds.




  1. Use CrossBow: it is a fairly narrow spectrum herbicide that targets woody plants (i.e. trees, poison oak, black berries, etc).  Used in the proper proportion for the plant targeted, it does not kill most grasses. Roundup could work too, but it is a broad spectrum herbicide that will likely kill the surrounding foliage.  I have had good luck with CrossBow getting rid of volunteer trees coming up in the middle of my yard by using a VERY small spray just on the leaves of the trees (being careful not to get it on other plants, just in case).  Any local farm store will have it.

  2. If you have those darn elm trees coming up all the time you have to get rid of the elm tree that all those millions of seeds come from. I have the same deal here but I can't get rid of them as I live in a rental. I just mow right over them and weedeat them in the garden.

  3. You have to dig up the roots to kill the tree.  If there is a live tree that is in your yard you can girdle it. (rip the bark off of a 18 inch band around the tree)  That will usually kill it.

  4. Cut and paint the stumps with garlon.  Here are the particulars.

  5. what i do is pull them out by the roots as soon as i c them,after a good rain when ground is wet is best time.IMO

  6. What kind of seedlings are they? You should not of let it get away from you. Clean up the yard as the seeds first fall.

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