
How do I get rust off of/out of cast iron pans?

by  |  earlier

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My sister came to visit over the weekend, and in trying to help me out, washed all my cast iron in the dishwasher while I was sleeping. I normally just wipe it off and she wanted to get it nice and clean for me.

So, needless to say it's all very rusty, every inch of them.

What is the best way to get all that rust off?





  1. I know this is gonna sound strange but it really works.  Take a fabric softner sheet and put it in the pot with water and let it sit over night and then wash it should just come right off

  2. Here's a few options

    1. Take an sos pad and scrub...

    2. Run through the dishwasher again...

    3. If you have a self-cleaning oven, run through a self-cleaning cycle...

    4. Soak in a vinegar and water solution 50/50.

    What I would do is start with the easiest...

    Dishwasher or self-cleaning oven.

    then try soaking in the vinegar/water mixture (you may still need to scour with a pad)

    Last, since it's more work, is using the SOS pad.

    After the cleaning, reseason the pans.

  3. Use steel wool, no soap, and really scrub them.

    rinse with clean water then dry with a towel.

    next coat them with peanut oil or crisco fill the pan up 1/8-1/4 inch with the oil and place in a 375 deg oven for 30-45 min.

    When cool, dump the oil and wipe out the pans.   They are now re-seasoned.  

  4. I use a copper scower. Works great...then I oil them so they dont rust again. I never put mine in the dishwasher. Strips the coating...maybe your sis just didnt know. :)

    Why did someone thumbs down me... :(

    We have used copper or steel and oil my whole life for rust and its worked perfectly.

  5. I am going to leave you on this web page You do any searching you need

    I Think

  6. soft scrub or an SOS and then wipe down with thin coat of oil.

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