
How do I get smooth ice on skating rink made on a lake?

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How do I get smooth ice on skating rink made on a lake?




  1. Without a Zamboni, the best you can do is spray and hope!

  2. get a broom the one you can push and level out the ice on top  

    then if there is still snow but a SMALL and i mean small amount of water on top

  3. I do this in the winter. I shovel the snow, then each night i hose it and use a broom to spread the water evenly.WORKS FOR ME! Im a figure skater and i can do a double axel and a camel spin on it!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You DON'T.... I hope you are a better skater than your knowledge of physics would show... when a lake freezes, the little ripples in the water freeze too.

    Rent a Zamboni... because it's not going to get any better on the lake

  5. Buy a Zamboni.

  6. you should get a large snowmobile and drive all around the lake and pray it does not crack.

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