
How do I get some sleep?

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I've been up all night. I'm only 13 I know it isn't good. And I'm going top be walking around all day for about 6 hours in 95 degree weather. So how do i get some sleep. And if I can't get any sleep what can i do to keep myself awake without feeling groggy and grouchy?




  1. i have the same problem.

    just stay active. don't lay down, & don't rest your eyes because you will fall asleep.

    drink caffeine or an energy drinks. eating some fruit might help. try to avoid thinking about sleep.

    or you can go to sleep, if you have someone there to wake you up.

  2. Try listening to music.

  3. Ooh, that's an easy one! You close your eyelids, lay still.

    Bada Bing Bada Boom!

  4. ask your doctor for lunesta

  5. Hehe,

    Well I've heard putting lavender oil on your pillow, it helps you relax. About an hour or so before lights out, do not do any strenious activity, or go near a computer/tv screen, as it tricks the body into thinking there is still daylight. Drink some warm milk, and get into a relaxing routine. Maybe listen to relaxing music, read a book or write in your diary. Get into a routine for sleep. I hope this helps.

    Also do alot of healthy activity during the day so you get tired :D

    No caffine like 5 hours before bed :P


    Try counting sheep, couting backwards from 1000, picture yourself somewhere relaxing, or sing(well think it XD) a song (like twinkle twinkle or row your boat) until you literally bore yourself to sleep. XD

    The last one always works for me, it just bores me to sleep XD

  6. I would ask your parents about taking medicine to help you calm down and sleep at night. You may be anxious about something, and that may be what is keeping you up. Try drinking a glass of warm milk before you go to bed, and take really slow, deep breaths until you fall asleep.

    Hope this helped!

    :-) Lilyana

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