
How do I get stimulus payment for my dependent mother and neice?

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My 78 year-old mother and my 15 year old neice are my dependents and were claimed on my 2007 Federal tax return. I naively assumed the stimulus check would be for them as well but was not! It covered my wife, myself, and my 18 year old son. Any ideas about why? Are they eligible for the stiumulus check? Do they need to file something on their own? Thanks.




  1. No they will not get stimulus tax rebate.

    You will also not get rebate for them.

    For information on stimulus tax rebate read:

  2. Your mother doesn't qualify for a rebate in her own right since she is claimed as a dependent.  You don't get the $300 kicker for her since she's not your Qualifying Child under age 17 as of Dec 31, 2007

    Your niece doesn't qualify for a rebate in her own right since she is claimed as a dependent.  If you claimed her under the Qualifying Child rule, you would get the $300 kicker for her and it appears that you actually did.

    Your 18 year old son does not qualify for a rebate in his own right since he is claimed as a dependent.  You do not get the $300 kicker for him as he was over age 16 as of Dec 31, 2007.

    So, you apparently received the base rebate for yourself and your wife, plus an additional $300 for your niece.  That is all that you were entitled to.  There is no way to get any more.

  3. Your 18 year child does not qualify bc he is over age. If he worked, filed in 07, and made over $3500 income he should receive his own check.  Your mother also do not count, bc she is over 17, and did not work.  No income, not credit.

    Your niece and spouse were covered. You should have gotten $1500 (300 for niece 600 each for you and wife) if you made over about $30,000 taxable income this year.  If not it would have been $900 (300 for niece bc of age and $600 for married couple together).

  4. if you put them on your 2007 return, then you got the rebate for them too.

    you should have gotten at least $1,500 for all 5 of you. more was possible but other factors come into play. the most you could have gotten was $2,100, but that would only happen if your tax liability would warrant it.

    so if you didnt get the $1,500 then yeah some dependents may have been left out. if you did get that then you got $300 for mother and $300 for neice included in that amount.

  5. Extra money isn't given to you for all dependents, just for your qualifying children under age 17, so I don't know why you got it for your 18 year old either, you shouldn't have.  If you were able to claim your neice as a qualifying child and get the child tax credit for her, then the extra $300 in your stimulus check was due to her, not your son.

    Your dependent mother, and your 18 year old, don't qualify for a payment if they are your dependents, so no, there's nothing to file to get it, they aren't eligible.

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