
How do I get teachers to write my college letters of reccommendation?

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I am a rising senior and I will soon be applying to some schools. I have some teachers in mind for my recs, and I know they'd be willing to write them, but how do I get them? Do I need to get a form from each college, or from the common app website or something? Do I just tell them and they get a form from somewhere else?




  1. Ask your favorite teachers to do them a week before you need to have the letters sent to the school because teachers need to know in advance about the recommendation letter so they can clear their schedule and do your letters.. dont wait to late

  2. It may vary from school to school, but always ask your academic advisor for help.  My best advice is to always give your teachers plenty of time to write the recommendation.  I would suggest giving them a month or so, but at the very least, a few weeks.

  3. You usually get the form from your high school guidance counselor and then you just ask the teacher.

  4. Just ask your teachers for them and you'll find most of them will write you very nice letters on your school letterhead.  Some will write the letters using their own stationery.  I'd recommend asking five teachers for letters... then decide which three are the best for college scholarships, applications, etc.

    You might find some ideas at

  5. College Admissions Articles, Advice, & Tips.

    And now for something completely different.

    Funny College Application Letter.

  6. This is a good question, and there are unfortunately, a couple answers. Some colleges require a specific form for their letters of reccommendation. This is especially true if you're applying to a specific school within a university (like the school of music, or the school of education). These are often available on the university's main page, or on the school's page within the university. These are often included in the application.

    Some schools want a general letter of reccommendation. It is helpful if the letter of rec is on the letterhead of the school (or institution, if it's a letter from a job manager or something) so that the college can see that the letter is valid. Additionally, some schools might ask if you want permission to see the letter before you turn it in, or if you're waiving that right. Typically it's better to waive that right, as many teachers will print you a seperate copy of the letter anyway. If you're concerned about the quality of a letter though, by all means, look at it before you send it out. If you do waive your right to see the letter, make sure the teacher seals the letter in an envelope and signs the seal.

    So your first job is to let the people you want to write the letters know that you'll need a letter. Do this at least a month before you need the letter. Second, check at each school at which you want to apply what their format is. (Check their website, or call an advisor at the school) If the school does have a specific format required, get that to the people writing you letters ASAP.

    Here's a tip: Ask for multiple copies of the same letter. You can use these letters for a long time, and often for multiple things that you apply to! Keep a file of these letters, as they might be useful when you apply for a specific degree program.

    Good luck, and congratulations! : )

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