
How do I get that line that goes across the page on Microsoft Word 2003?

by  |  earlier

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I can't find it anywhere in the menus, how do I get it?

Its like:


And it just goes across the width of the page.

In HTML its:


Maybe you know HTML, haha.

Thanks! (Also, is there a keyboard shortcut for it?)




  1. You are either indicating the dash --- or the underline ___. Either one can be made to go across the width of the page. Hold down the shift key and the underline and when it reaches the right margin, stop. If you go past the right margin, it will automatically wrap to the next line. Backspace until you are back on the right line. That&#039;s one way. Another is to use the U in the toolbar that means underline and tab across to the right margin. Same effect.

  2. I use Microsoft Word 2003.  In the Word Menu Bar click on &quot;Table&quot;, then &quot;Draw Table&quot;.  The &quot;Tables and Borders&quot; window will appear.  First, choose the width of the line; you can do this by clicking on the down arrow and choosing a line from the drop-down menu of sample lines, or you can choose the width of the line by choosing a measurement in the drop-down menu of the next box, which shows what the line according to each measurement will look like - 1 and 1/2 pt is a good measurement.  Next, in the &quot;Borders Box&quot; drop-down menu, click on the &quot;Top Border&quot; box and this line will appear across the top of your document.  Once you have chosen the width of the Border line that you prefer, you can close the &quot;Tables and Borders&quot; window by clicking on the X in the top right corner of the window.  Now that you have decided on the width of the line your want, you can now use the &quot;Borders Box&quot; in your Word Menu located at the far right of the menu bar - use the drop-down menu to choose a &quot;Top Border&quot; line, or choose a &quot;Bottom Border&quot; line, etc - a line will appear as soon as you click on a box.  The same line will also disappear if you want it to by clicking again on the border box shown in the menu.  If you do not want the line to disappear, but want to repeat the line, use the drop-down menu and click on the &quot;Top Border&quot; box there each time you want a new line.  This line will go across the width of your page, according to the margins you have set.

    As for a keyboard shortcut, as stated above once you have decided on the width of the line you want to use, and using the Word Menu &quot;Borders Box&quot; and choosing the &quot;Top Border&quot; box, which will now appear in the menu bar, all you have to do is click on it whenever you want a border line across the top your page.

    Edit:  You will find the dash line, as used in your example, in the drop-down menu of the sample box in &quot;Tables and Borders&quot;.  Just click on the dash line, leave the measurement at 1/2 pt and in the &quot;Borders Box&quot; open the drop-down menu and choose the &quot;Top Border&quot; option.  To repeat the dash line, just click on the &quot;Borders Box&quot; drop-down menu and click on &quot;Top Border&quot; box to repeat the line at another point in your document.  Just play with this feature until you get the hang of it.

  3. You can go to, insert and then Page Break. But that of course will create a new page

  4. I recently did that by hitting the underline character (shift over the hyphen) a bunch of times, and it even survived conversion into HTML for one of my websites. Regards, Larry.

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