
How do I get the BO stench out of all my blouses?

by Guest66894  |  earlier

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I DO wash them, but the odor stickd to the underarm part.




  1. try rubbing them well with white vinegar before you wash them

  2. Febreeze for fabric if you don't want to buy a laundry soap with the febreeze product in it.  They work wonders.

  3. Wash them!!!

  4. Things You’ll Need:

    Bowl for mixing


    Baking soda

    Laundry detergent

    Washing machine

    Step 1  Wash the clothing in cold water with your normal detergent. Do not dry.

    Step 2  Make a thick paste from baking soda and water. There's no real science to this. Just make it thick enough so it's not runny yet thin enough to spread.

    Step 3  Lay your shirt out, flat on a towel.

    Step 4  Spread a thick layer of baking soda on both underarm areas of the shirt.

    Step 5  Let the shirt dry--with the paste on it--for at least 24 hours.

    Step 6  Rewash the shirt as you normally would.

    Step 7  Dry as normal and then wear free of smell.

  5. Are you using warm water?  Cold water will not remove BO smell.  Also change your anti-perspirant/deodorant as the one you are using is not working to well anymore.  Your body gets used to them and you need to change every so often.

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