
How do I get the Internet Explorer icon back on my desktop?

by Guest66877  |  earlier

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How do I get the Internet Explorer icon back on my desktop? I accidently deleted it and emptied my Recycle Bin. I can get the Internet Options it provides by going under Tools but I have things under Bookmarks on the regular Internet Explorer that I don't have under Bookmarks under the Yahoo.Com explorer.

I have internet explorer 7.




  1. If in XP right click on desktop and then go to palace where you slect background  just below the list there will be a button with desktop options there check internet explorer

    I vista go to start menu in search box type iexplorer.exe and it will apear on the list right click and sedn it to desk top

  2. Start->Programs->right click Internet Explorer->Send To->Desktop (create shortcut)

  3. Right click on your desktop & go to properties option

    then on 'desktop tab' click in 'customize desktop' then check mark on internet explorer & OK

  4. go to start menu and then click to all programs and then you will find internet explorer icon and then click right mouse button and select copy and then go to your desktop main screen and then again press right button of mouse button and select pasteshortcut

    good luck try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. presuming u have internet explorer installed

    either ::::: right click on desktop and under wallpaper tab

    click on edit desktop or someat ( forgot as i no longer use windows )

    and tick box @ display IE

    or click on start ~~programs ~~ the right click on IE and @ setting saying "move to" click on choose set desktop icon !!!


  6. Go to programs, right click internet explorer, click create shortcut, and drag the shortcut to your desktop. Name it Internet Explorer.

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