
How do I get the birds outside my bedroom window to shut up and not wake me up at 4 O'clock in the morning

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How do I get the birds outside my bedroom window to shut up and not wake me up at 4 O'clock in the morning




  1. Oh i know how you feel.

    I have sparrows nesting right above my window.

    And they just don't shut up.

    We got a great big plastic owl from B&Q, filled it with stones and put it on the roof, it scares most birds off, but we move it around every week or so.

    Dont feed the birds in your garden so as not to encourage them to come to your house.

    After this nesting season is over get rid of the old nests and block up where they nested previously (eg: In a tree, remove the tree, under the roof tiles, fill the gaps) so they cant get there again.



  2. That's what birds do at 4 in the morning. There is nothing you can do about it except soundproof your house or cover it with some other noise that you CAN live with.

  3. Don't be such a loser... Bird song is Beautiful....

  4. You don' get a pair of ear plugs, run a fan, or a white noise machine to drown out the noise until breeding season is over.

  5. Hit it with a super soaker or cut down the tree.

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