
How do I get the dents out of my Golf Bag?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna know how I get the dents out of my golf bag...Not dents in my clubs NOT the clubs. The BAG. How do i get dents out of the BAG




  1. it depends where the dents are, if you go to dentpro...

  2. How do you dent a golf bag?  Stick your golf club in head first and then bang it out, seems logical....

  3. how did you get dents in the bag, is your bag made out of metal or something.

  4. just push them out from the inside

  5. If you have a golf bag that can be dented then I think it's time for a new bag.

  6. Dents in a golf bag?  Never heard of that happening before, but I would try pushing them out from the inside if it's accessible.

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