
How do I get the hospital to take me seriously...?

by  |  earlier

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...about my wife's ill health? I just need the right words to say to the Doctors without sounding belligerent. To my contacts that care....thank you oh so much. I'm scared s**+tless. I just need some advice on what to tell them...the doctors. The problem is not $, it's the length of her stays at the hospital. She needs to spend more time recuperating than just a day or two.




  1. Her doctor can help you there.  He say how long she needs to stay.  However, depending on her insurance coverage for what is effecting her health, it really could be an issue of money.  And the private nurse solution a couple up also sounds like it could be a good solution.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your wife and now the Dr's.Try telling them your wife needs more time to stay and get strong and that you are worried about her coming home to soon.Good luck and my prayers are with you both.

  3. Can you just ask them to keep her longer?  If not, what about hiring a private nurse for her.

  4. Calmly ask if you can speak with them and tell them you know your wife. Tell them that if they release her too quickly she will overdo herself at home. Ask if it's possible she stay and extra day or 2 to make sure she is fine and that you don't mind paying exta to make sure she is ok. They should understand.

  5. I don't know what is wrong with your wife, but maybe if you just explain to the doctor(s) that your wife needs more time to recuperate because she does not rest when she is at home and you're worried that something will happen to her, maybe they will either let her stay in the hospital longer, or perhaps they can offer some alternatives like in home nursing care or a few days stay in a different type of care facility.

    I hope that everything will be ok for your and your wife.  Just know that we all care very much about you, ok?

  6. You could always try leaving her there, gas prices being what they are, they're not going to offer to drive her home :)

    glad i could help

  7. I think I'd ask to speak with her doctor and explain your concern. Suggest that she needs to stay there longer to be observed and for recuperation. Is it an ER doctor you're speaking with, or is she admitted? If not, admit her, then she can stay longer.

    If the doctors won't do it, you might need to consider a private nurse. They're good, I know from experience. My grandpa and great uncle both had health problems, and a private nurse really did them good.

    Hope everything works out for you. You and your family are in my prayers. :)

  8. Like I said before, I never know how to take your Qs. If it is serious then you must insist that she stay longer. No 2 ways about it. It's no good if she comes home and has to go right back. Make the sobs keep her long enough to see she gets on the right path to health. Wish you well. LOL

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