
How do I get the reek out of running shoes?

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How do I get the reek out of running shoes?




  1. There is a product you can buy that's like powder, you put it in the shoes and helps the smell go away.

    Don't know the name though sorry.

    You can probably get them at any shoe store.

  2. sprinkle a liberal amount of baking soda into each shoe and let sit overnight

  3. wash them with baking soda, rinse THOROUGHLY and of course, make sure that they're absolutely dry before wearing them again.

  4. spray febreze (the kind for the couch and carpet) in your shoes (my dad does this to his shoes when they smell)

    also try using used dryer sheets and put them at the toe of your shoe.

  5. air them out outside in the sun.

  6. Sprinkle a bit of baking soda into them after each wear. Baking soda naturally absorbs odor and the shoes will alway be fresh smelling.

  7. I put them in the washing machine!

    If you cant do that, put a dryer sheet in each one overnight or spray with Febreeze.

    Also, never ever wear runners without socks.  Major stink!

  8. You may need to buy new ones, then wash them on a regular basis so they don't stink.  Hopefully you don't wear the same pair all day every day.  Not good for your feet and a real stink factory.

  9. febreze or oust. febreze is better

  10. throw them in the washer.if that doesn't work then trash them!

  11. sprinkle them inside  thoroughly with baking soda then stuff them with crumpled newspaper, let sit overnight

  12. put them in the washer, then dryer.

    after your done put a little baking soda on the inside and let it sit fer a few hours.

    or put them in the washing machine, then dryer then put a fabric freshener (like fabreeze) or perfume.***

    *** thats just if you want them to smell like something pretty.

    just the washer and baking soda work fine.

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