
How do I get the video on DTV cable channels?

by  |  earlier

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I recently bought an HDTV and discovered that I can receive DTV cable channels that I wasn't able to get before. However, in most cases I am only able to get the audio. Is it possible for me to get the video as well? If so, how?




  1. You have a QAM tuner built in that allows you to recieve channels that your cable company "throws" out.  They will either do this test the signals or just to see how they look as they send them on their HD paying customers.  We need to get together since I can pick up HBO, but without audio.  

    You should be able to get your local channels grouped together at the bottom end of your tuner.  Like I get channel 5 via the HD box on channel 785, but on the QAM tuner on 5-1.

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