
How do I get them to let me double-pierce my ears?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wanted to get my ears pierced a second time. And now that I'm 12 and brave enough and the piercings are free when you buy something, I want to. I know a few people who have done it before and they say it doesnt hurt at all. So I asked my mom and she said "well, ok. But I'll have to talk to dad about it first." And they both keep avoiding the subject every time I bring it up. This means that they don't really want me to do it. But why? Whats so bad about it? And how can I get them to let me?




  1. when you are all together just ask them. "can i pierce my ears a second time" dont let them change the subject just get an answer and if the answer is no dont push it. give it a few months and ask again if it no again you might have to wait until they are ready

  2. 1 piercing under the age of 17. You don't need 2, I'm with your parents on this one. If you like earrings so much, try changing them out twice a day. Then it will be like wearing 4 earrings, but you won't look like trash.

  3. i had it done. it actually does hurt. a lot.  

  4. just be mature about it. and once you get them dont go extreme with your piercings. tell them tis just a second hole not a big deal. and that lots of kids have them. and that you will take care of your ears. :]

    and it only hurts just as bad as the first ones.

  5. I got my ears done a month ago. I would just tell me dad that i really want it done and to quit avoiding the subject, say your a big girl and thats what you want

  6. Try getting them to take you to the mall for something and then while you are there kinda put them on the spot! That always worked for me! good luck to you... it doesn't hurt. just a little sting and it is done!  

  7. well i say bring it up like sit them down and say u need to talk and just ask them if u can get it pirced because its nothing like getting a bull ring pircing or somthing like that (or like my friend who has his hips pirced) o and if they try to change the topic bring them right back to it to show u r serious bout getting ur ear pirced a second time

    hope i helped and i do hope u get it pirced :)

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