
How do I get this guy to know I like him?

by  |  earlier

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I only have my last 2 periods with him. SO we can't really talk much and I don't know how to start a conversation with him when we really haven't talked before. =(

Advice please? =)





  1. tell him to meet u here

  2. Flirt like mad, and if you don't quite have the confidence to do that face-to-face, get his myspace/facebook/msn/whatever and talk/flirt to him there

    He'll get the hint

  3. Just ask him if he wants to hang out sometime, something real causal and take if from there.

  4. gently rub him...

  5. Just write him a love letter.

  6. You really dont have much to talk. Tell him you seem to like him, and then ask him for his telephone number. You'll then talk later.

  7. I would ask him something school work related and see how he responds to that, it there will be  a spark or not. then you will know what step to take next.

  8. Just start talking to him about anything.

    then after a week or so just tell him you like him.

  9. Well,... two periods is a lot... make urself known in those classes... get some attention by not only him but the whole class!

    this way when you do talk to him, or ask him that first question about, anything .... even the time... he'll be able to know who he's talking too!

    also try and just be yourself... dont try to over impress.. this just gets people to know someone who your not! be yourself !  

  10. Ask him a question about something in class..........the homework assignment, can introduce yourself in the process.

    Once you've been introduced, talk with him, get to know him


  11. just say hi or what's up. it's the universal icebreaker.

    if you're really shy, then ask him something about the work and continue the convo from there.

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