
How do I get through this next week?

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I have #3 on the way and am 8 weeks along, we are moving into our first purchased home this weekend, my oldest starts kindergarten in two weeks...all great stuff, but I am suddenly paralyzed with anxiety. I can't pack I can barely get out of bed. My husband is worried and freaked out. The kids are bored. I don't want to take medication while pregnant. help.




  1. Wow, lots of stuff going on there. I'm not surprised you feel anxious.

    I think medication is probably a bit extreme in this situation but there are lots of things you can do to help yourself relax and take all this change in your stride.

    Firstly, do what you can to reduce your load. Can the little one put off going to kinder for a couple of weeks? It might make it easier on him/her (all this change is hard on the littles too).  Can you ask a friend to help you pack? And then move?

    Talk to your husband, let him know what's going on in your head and what he can do to help. Be specific, give him practical things to do. Freaking out, btw, is not one of those things.

    Talk to a good friend who will listen carefully and with compassion.

    There are plenty of alternatives to medication that can help too. They include:

    - exercise (gentle, as you are pregnant)

    - take 10 deep breaths when you feel the need to relax or need energy

    - herbs to give you the strength and energy to do all this*

    - essential oils (again see note below) from experience citrus oils like orange are relaxing/refreshing and safe for use when pregnant, also lavender in small amounts is good. Put 2 - 3 drops of each in a bath and soak. Or mix with a vegetable oil like olive or almond oil and massage.

    - Rescue Remedy (a Bach Flower Remedy)** taken whenever you feel anxious

    - acupuncture/accupressure

    - massage

    - Bowen therapy

    - kinesiology (esp. Transformational Kinesiolgy or Touch For Health)

    The list goes on...

    I hope this helps. Good luck.

  2. First off, congrats on the baby and the new house!!!  Obviously, you have a ton of big things coming up AND you have huge hormone surges going on in your body, so it's no surprise that you feel some anxiety.  I would definitely get some friends together to help your family move (even packing most of the things) so that you can do the light stuff.  Plus being pregnant you shouldn't be lifting alot of things anyway.  Then spend the next couple weeks doing a few laid-back things with your oldest child since he/she is about to start kindergarten.  It may help ease the anxiety of that transition because part of the worry may be from feeling guilty that your baby is about to go to school and you've been busy with the packing and stuff.  I really think once you get in your house and your child starts school, that things will start to calm down.  And you will be a little further along and your hormones will start to level.  That will probably help with the getting out of bed.  Plus, with one kid at school, you may find you have some time to decorate your new home the way you want it!!! (I'm so jealous!)  Good luck hun!  And don't forget to talk to your hubby about things too, I'm sure he'll understand and just talking about how you're feeling might take a huge load off.

  3. Counseling is drug free. Perhaps look into that. Or a support group.  

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